Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Illuminati Tattoo Gallery Houston Texas

A synopsis written by Johnny Jackson regarding his new Tattoo Gallery and the fibers woven together that bind Desire, ambition, faith and well being.


The base of all things start with a vision.From within the flame burns higher and higher as you see it unfold.I believe in truth and I also have faith in a creator that I understand made all living things.This establishment is not against any religion,fact or fiction.This establishment does not condone a controlled democracy,but Fact is we are in the wake of WW3 and there is too much evidence that there are drastic preparation disaster Safehouses and we do not endorse war or killing or any kind of hate except hate towards people who focus on the downfall of the human race and not the evolution of it.

The symbol of the all seeing eye and pyramid is a metaphoric image of "enlightened sense of being and awareness."

So before anyone thinks anything different this should set the record straight ...

I know I am not ready for war and especially for things I dont even have a concern with.

This is just a Tattoo Studio that specializes in custom professional tattooing.

We fully endorse all of mankind as we sit in space rotating on the axis of evil.....

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