Friday, April 16, 2010

Listen,help and believe in someone today.....

Listen,Care and Believe in someone.....
18 months ago we were life flighted to Herman Memorial .My wife had a broken neck,ankle and back.I broke my hand ,hip and my knee. I died on the scene from shock trauma and had to be resuscitated. My wife has been through 4 surgeries since.
It has been a long strange trip and We have had alot of support from friends and family since then...We are in a trade that has alot of Hate and envy so to see this from the industry really gave me a drive inside that gave me hope for our industry.So even if you help someone in an auction online or those around you in your family ,it will give them hope to overcome anything...

We have been sober and clean now for 9 months now !!!!!!! Thank you God for allowing the circumstances that allowed us to reach this clarity of thinking to realize how much we have to lose if we continue down that path.
Between all the Dro and Petron not sucking our pockets dry in 9 months we have moved into our new 2 story 4 BR home and gotten into 2 new Bad ass vehicles ...

I just want to encourage anyone who is stuck in the rut of using and abusing your life ,Please know that you can set your mind to it and do it .You will have confidence and pride and a lil more loot to get things you really want and need.Instead of drinking and smoking up thousands of dollars of your hard earned money.
Im not preaching here I am only trying to encourage those of you that lay your eyes on this.Im not wanting to get a congrats or good job man or none of the recognition on this stuff.It is vital that we as people take care of our lives and the people around us . I know it is hard to confront your demons and at times LIKE OURS, bad times make us re evaluate our life and consider what is really important.
Use these opportunities that only come around not very often. Take advantage of them because what looks like the worst of times can turn things around for you as it has done for me and my wife.

Again Thank you for those of you that were there and are still there to support us and embrace what we do in the industry as we do it all for the community of Tattoo in order to inspire those around us.
Touch those around you,help those in need.Listen ,Care and believe in someone. Never let negativity hold you down from evolving into your dreams.

Johnny Jackson aka Mizter Inkaholik
When a flame is fueled ,it only grows larger.The larger the flame the less fuel is needed!
Written 2 minutes ago ·

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Tattooed LADY!

MIZUZ INKAHOLIK is a true tattooed model
She does not do nude anything.She attends conventions and holds the babies and greets the young girls that come up to see her beauty.Far cry from barbie,but thats just what this woman stands for . Individuality .She wears her ink proudly and loudly and her hair is not long blonde straight and luxurious . No this woman has her style all down to a T.
She is what a tattooed model really is.Not some skank that rips the news up and has a few tattoos.
Ive been in the industry many years and never even heard her name until Jesse.. Below is my blog thought on this issue!
I cant stand the media and the hype about the skank that stabbed Sandra Bullock in the back by cheating with Jesse .Well that aint the worst part ,what I hate the most is seeing the tabloids smash this story to pieces and label this skank as a "Tattooed model...."
She has not been around our industry ,she has not been in the circuit in our industry and she is merely a model that has tattoos.
It hurts the reputation of fine class women like my wife who has done everything in her power to smash the stereotypes of these kind of things toward tattooed ladies.Meeting the older generation with a smile and a kind handshake,holding and nurturing children.Representing our community in a positive way not only at the tattoo conventions but in everyday life as well...
Ladies with art who express their inner beauty in an outward expression.Many of you ladies have ink and class, I know this hit close to home if you got class and care about our industry.
My heart goes out to you all and I despise such behavior by Jesse James and this model.
Hey I understand things happen and the blame is on them both .I dont care .
I took a vow to my wife and it aint hard to consider the consequences and keep these vows.I have not even considered cheating on her I dont care who comes my way snooping around like this skank did.
Dont tell me she didnt know ,everyone knew Sandra loved Jesse.
Im upset and I hope that the industry will not feed off this madness and cover this story in the tattoo magazines.She dont deserve the publicity.
So to all you women who wear art on yr sleeve and have moral and pride please hold your head high this too shall pass and it holds no weight to what the tattooed lady stands for.
SHAME ON YOU JESSE......Shame on McGee...
Tattooed ladies continue to hold the standard high and set yourself apart from trash like this...

HELP LINKS and inspiring causes..

I care about humanity and the life we have been blessed with and we have a voice if we use it.Join in some of these causes and sign some of these petitions.I will be updating this regularly.So come back and visit to see whats new.

An interdisciplinary education project partially funded by the American Bar Association, Commission on College and University Legal Studies through the ABA Fund for Justice and Education


Help stop Global warming

Evolution Vs Creation

Support Native American..

Oppose Death Penalty

Bring our troops home petition.

It does more than beat....

Listening To Your Heart
I sometimes wish I had a road map for living.

If only someone would occasionally show me a way to go, a direction to take, it seems things could be easier. Have you ever thought like that?

But it doesn't take me long to remember that others probably feel as confused as I do.

Passengers on a regular flight from Detroit to Tri-City Airport (which is situated between the Michigan cities of Saginaw, Bay City and Midland), must have felt a little more than confused during a flight attendant's greeting. Obviously not familiar with the area, she welcomed everyone warmly and stated that the destination would be Midland. A few concerned passengers alerted her to the mistake, so she quickly corrected herself by saying they were headed to Tri-City and Bay City.

Chuckles rippled along the aisle as she bravely tried again. This time she informed passengers that their destination was Saginaw. Now laughter broke out.

At that point, an authoritative voice came over the intercom and rescued her. "I'm your pilot, folks," he said, "and don't worry -- I know where we're going."

It's nice when someone knows the way. But does anyone know the way YOU should be going? The way you should go in your life?

The truth is -- we really can't depend on others for the most important answers about living our lives. People can help, but nobody can truly decide what is best for us; nobody else can steer us along that individual path that we should take.

But the good news is this: we will eventually find the way ourselves. And I believe we'll find it best by listening. Listening to our hearts; listening to an inner voice.

I've learned that if I listen well, I will discover that the solution I need is usually there, hiding within. It may be irritatingly well hidden, but it is there nevertheless.

Perhaps you feel a bit lost. Most of us do at times. And if so, don't worry. This may be a perfect time to listen. Listen to that quiet voice within. And while you listen, remember this -- your inner pilot knows where you're going.

~ Steve Goodier ~

"Dont be a clown"

Even the most evil people in the world has this voice.They choose to not listen to it and either follow their selfish desire or the impression of people.
I once had a friend who was alright in the beginning but as time went by ,I began to see this guy turn into a full blown Douche-bag.

He would be around two sets of friends and then rally against one of them to impress the other one,until they were alone then he was the first ones best friend.
Simply getting satisfaction out of pitting people against each other for his own amusement causing damage to ones feelings and building another s up.
Narcissism is a deadly thing that causes people to stupid evil things all the time.
Listen to the good in yr heart and not what impresses your friends .
Because in the end they will respect you more by doing and acting right then they will for being 2 faced...
Ahhhh @ faced ...Thats a whole nother discussion and no one knows more from first time witnessing than me. I have them friends who in my face are all cool and shit and then they turn around and gossip behind my back.I know all of us know these kinds of people and if you recognize them,I am right there with you . I see it.
Thanks and be real ,be you,listen to yr inner voice.

Just help someone today...

A Helping Hand2

It was the perfect weather for a walk the other day. It was that beautiful time of the year right between the end of Winter and the start of Spring. Cool breezes tickled my face while the rising sun quickly burnt away the morning fog. Birds were starting to sing their love songs again and to built nests for their future young. My heavy coat had been traded for a light jacket. The grass was still moist from the freshly melted snow and the Maples and Oaks seemed to be deep in thought over whether to send out their buds now or wait a few more weeks.

I walked along the edge of the woods and gazed up at the bright, blue sky. As I was thanking God for another glorious morning, however, a sad sound reached my ears. It was a mewing that sounded like a newborn kitten. I looked around on the ground but couldn’t see one anywhere. Then I noticed that the crying seemed to be coming from above and glanced up into the trees. I soon spotted him. It was no kitten but a full grown tomcat who had let Spring fever get the best of him. He had scaled an Oak like it was nothing but was now too scared to climb back down.

I knew I couldn’t leave him up there but wondered if I would need a ladder to get to him. I decided to let my boyhood tree climbing skills guide me instead. Grasping the rough branches I slowly made my way up to the cat. Then cradling him in one arm I lowered myself down again and safely let him go. He gave me a quick thank you glance and then scurried off. I smiled as I watched him go then headed for home with scraped up hands but a warm heart.

Few things in this life make you feel better than offering a helping hand to someone in need. It connects you with God. It brings you closer to others. It helps you become who you were meant to be. The next time then that you get a chance to give someone a hand up or in the cat’s case a hand down take it. A helping hand like a loving heart always leads to a happy soul.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella ~

I see so many people hurting and destroying life by selfishly going after their own agendas in life and not looking to offer any help or encouragement for the other man.
I will help when it is in front of me to do so.Every day in life God will put you in a situation for you to act upon.
Look and listen you will notice this more and more.
Listen to your heart and it will guide you BUT only if you dont neglect that tugging you feel to help.

Ambition is a full time job...Now Hiring....

Encouragement is what the world needs.There is way too much hate going around just because someone is good at something is no reason to hate.When i see something badass or a person climbing the ladder.I let it motivate me to excel.
To everyone who feels the pressure of envy and haters dissing what you are doing Keep your head high and keep reaching for your dreams.
I have been down a dark long and lonely road all my life but I kept my eyes on my ambitions and dreams.I had alot of things come against me that should have taken my heart away But it didnt!
The saying is true Dont let your success shape your ego,lest something happens yr ego will take a blow as well.
Instead let your pride and ego shape your future and success.


Every morning when I wake up,
I wake up looking forward to what I can accomplish.
Developing positive goals,
Realizing the power of ambition
The power of change,
Life consists of positive transformation.

Nothing is final unless you let it be
Open your eyes to a broad pathway
A journey that will lead you to a fulfilling future.

You choose the path you take
You prepare the draft of your life
You have control
You have the ability to plan your destiny,
Not everything is your life is planned
Everyday is a new day

You are capable and worthy of becoming who you want to be
Never give up
Have determination
Follow your heart and all your dreams will come true .

These are the truest words ever spoken...
I love you baby.You came around at the exact moment I was on the edge of destruction.I hated people,life,God,work,money,Just overall on the brink of saying Fuck it and giving up.
I want to thank you for the undying love you show me and the faith and trust you show me and allow me to expierience in our marriage.

We have a long ways to go because every day brings a new ambition to mind or a new idea, or spark of creativity.
Never look back and lets continue to pursue the fullest we can achieve.
I love you more than I love Life itself!!!

Johnny Jackson.
Mizter Inkaholik!
Written last Thursday · ·