She does not do nude anything.She attends conventions and holds the babies and greets the young girls that come up to see her beauty.Far cry from barbie,but thats just what this woman stands for . Individuality .She wears her ink proudly and loudly and her hair is not long blonde straight and luxurious . No this woman has her style all down to a T.
She is what a tattooed model really is.Not some skank that rips the news up and has a few tattoos.
Ive been in the industry many years and never even heard her name until Jesse.. Below is my blog thought on this issue!
I cant stand the media and the hype about the skank that stabbed Sandra Bullock in the back by cheating with Jesse .Well that aint the worst part ,what I hate the most is seeing the tabloids smash this story to pieces and label this skank as a "Tattooed model...."
She has not been around our industry ,she has not been in the circuit in our industry and she is merely a model that has tattoos.
It hurts the reputation of fine class women like my wife who has done everything in her power to smash the stereotypes of these kind of things toward tattooed ladies.Meeting the older generation with a smile and a kind handshake,holding and nurturing children.Representing our community in a positive way not only at the tattoo conventions but in everyday life as well...
Ladies with art who express their inner beauty in an outward expression.Many of you ladies have ink and class, I know this hit close to home if you got class and care about our industry.
My heart goes out to you all and I despise such behavior by Jesse James and this model.
Hey I understand things happen and the blame is on them both .I dont care .
I took a vow to my wife and it aint hard to consider the consequences and keep these vows.I have not even considered cheating on her I dont care who comes my way snooping around like this skank did.
Dont tell me she didnt know ,everyone knew Sandra loved Jesse.
Im upset and I hope that the industry will not feed off this madness and cover this story in the tattoo magazines.She dont deserve the publicity.
So to all you women who wear art on yr sleeve and have moral and pride please hold your head high this too shall pass and it holds no weight to what the tattooed lady stands for.
SHAME ON YOU JESSE......Shame on McGee...
Tattooed ladies continue to hold the standard high and set yourself apart from trash like this...
She has not been around our industry ,she has not been in the circuit in our industry and she is merely a model that has tattoos.
It hurts the reputation of fine class women like my wife who has done everything in her power to smash the stereotypes of these kind of things toward tattooed ladies.Meeting the older generation with a smile and a kind handshake,holding and nurturing children.Representing our community in a positive way not only at the tattoo conventions but in everyday life as well...
Ladies with art who express their inner beauty in an outward expression.Many of you ladies have ink and class, I know this hit close to home if you got class and care about our industry.
My heart goes out to you all and I despise such behavior by Jesse James and this model.
Hey I understand things happen and the blame is on them both .I dont care .
I took a vow to my wife and it aint hard to consider the consequences and keep these vows.I have not even considered cheating on her I dont care who comes my way snooping around like this skank did.
Dont tell me she didnt know ,everyone knew Sandra loved Jesse.
Im upset and I hope that the industry will not feed off this madness and cover this story in the tattoo magazines.She dont deserve the publicity.
So to all you women who wear art on yr sleeve and have moral and pride please hold your head high this too shall pass and it holds no weight to what the tattooed lady stands for.
SHAME ON YOU JESSE......Shame on McGee...
Tattooed ladies continue to hold the standard high and set yourself apart from trash like this...
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